Apple AR/VR Headset : maybe longer in the making than you think.

Miniaturization , Apple Silicon , few killer apps is all they need right ?


" Fan-less MacBook Air performance on par with $5000 iMac Pro "

- levels of craziness

is what can make the tech that's literally around the ear , noise-free.


Making the unnecessarily small 38mm Apple Watch I think personally was the challenge Apple took up
as warm up runs for the

"marathon of miniaturization"

that is required in a product like AR/VR headset
which has the highest end technologies in the "Spring of their Life" to occupy the smallest of the space.


With iPhones chips easily surpassing performance of laptop chips ,
Apple Silicon is sure to play a huge role which can literally

"make or break the illusion"

by handling the buttery-smoothness of the AR/VR experience, maybe 240fps voxel refresh rate ?


"M1 MacBook Pro using only 17% battery for 5min 8K at 60fps whereas comparable Intel notebook's battery died before exporting"

- levels of craziness

is what can prolong extended immersive AR/VR sessions.
Source : Article by Mathew Panzarino

AIRPODS (2016)

"Supercomputer in the ear"-miniaturization aside , AirPods felt like the dream wireless product Steve Jobs

manifested into reality across lifetimes.

A wireless product the minute it was unveiled became obvious and
set the standard. Headset should be the ultimate wireless product to be non-clumsy.


In the words of Steve , "a pair of earphones can sorta simulate a 5.1 Surround Sound

there is nothing like that for vision"

Spatial Audio only tries to enhance this audio experience

AR/VR headset is the vision part coming after 20 YEARS !!!

LiDAR (2020)

LiDAR first introduced 2020 iPad Pro which drastically improved AR experience from waving around the device to

making the device instant AR ready.

Despite being less than 5m LiDAR range

It enhanced the experience an order of magnitude at least.


AirPods Pro transparency mode is the "easier" part because its audio and sampling audio at the rate
of 48,000 times per second is sort of easy

Doing that to RGB High-Res , High Frame rate data is order(s) of magnitude

more difficult , that's why "transitioning" using the the rumored "reality dial"

could be a possibility only with the high performance of Apple Silicon.

U1 Chip (2019)

Again introduced 4 years ago to have devices "know" the directional
presence of other Apple devices,

enabling witchcraft like Universal control

the headset has to also "work upon" existing apple devices ,

my guess floating iOS live activities when seen through the AR/VR headset.

LiveText (2021)

Another blackmagic-esque feature , Imagine LiveText in Ar/VR
I can imagine grabbing text from surroundings even without touching a surface !

Live Activities (2022)

Re-Incarnartion Dashboard from OS X in AR/VR ?
I believe Live Activities and Widgets can do that.


I think this will have an "iPad level" impact in education
when the price starts to go down over the years.


Privacy focused On Device processing, machine learning can be one of the key USP of this headset.

Overheating practically made a thing of past by Apple Silicon important especially for something on your face.

Did Jonny Ive design this AR/VR headset atleast even partially ??

Excited Music of product intro , remember AirPods intro music 😍

Special Handling of Apple devices in the AR frame.

Can be pitched as a laid back device like the iPad , like Steve did with a couch. 😍

Door detection from iPhone


3:15AM , 05 June 2023, T minus 8.73hrs 😂

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